09:00 Session Starts
1.Ownership or shareholding structure
2. What does shareholdings mean?
3. What is the best structure for SALT considering complexities of companies vs. science projects?
3.1 Corporate restructure Nov 2011 – Deloitte
4. What would be fit for purpose for the next 25 years?
Executive Summary_MW_Strategy_SALT[96][6]
Multi-Wavelength Astronomy Strategy Terms of Reference
11:00-11:30 Break
5. How can we prevent losing smaller partners?
6. How can we get additional partners and resources into the project?
6.1 Developing Collaborations with HWU and STFC – Venue for BM57
6.2 HWU_UKATC_SALT Proposal Exerpts
7. How can we monetise in terms of sky-time?
8. Other contributions?
13:00-14:00 Lunch
9. Telescope throughput
10. What are the next projects?
10.1 Strategic Plan Sep 2023-v2
10.2 SALT involvement in the PLATO mission v241021
15:00-15:30 Break
11. Conclusion
16:00 Session Ends